State crafted animations for the launch promos of CBS's flagship series' new seasons, tailoring each animation to the unique essence of the respective shows. They employed a creative direction emphasizing collage techniques for the NCIS and FBI series. These animations were integral components of CBS's teasers, with some premiering during the Super Bowl broadcast.
Lisett Ledon created the design of these two pieces, while Lucas Mariano handled the animation.
Lisett Ledon created the design of these two pieces, while Lucas Mariano handled the animation.


Director / Creative Director: Marcel Ziul
Executive Producer: Michelle Owens
General Manager: Tais Marcelo
Head of Production: Krissy Estrada
Producer: Addie Stevenson
Production Coordinator: Matt Krajewski
Designer: Lisett Ledon
2D Animator / Compositor: Lucas Mariano
Audio: Roger Lima @ White Noise Lab